What’s wrong with attorney general’s ‘whole story’

LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL: … “Only a grand jury protective order stands in the way of my releasing their names and their emails to the public,” [PennsylvaniAttorney General Kathleen] Kane said while vowing she will not resign.

But there are four problems with Kane’s claims:

• Carpenter’s protective order is a general order against witness intimidation and does not bar the release of what Kane called pornographic, racially and religiously offensive emails, according to the state’s former chief justice.

• Kane can release the sexually explicit emails any time she chooses under the state’s Right-to-Know Law, according to a previous court ruling from a Cambria County judge.

• Kane has already released a trove of the emails sent or received by a dozen men she has identified by name.

• Kane is fighting media requests to release the names of all the public officials tied to the emails… (more)


1 Comment

  1. The judge set this up so that anything Kane did from releasing the e-mails to firing incompetent Corbett cronies would violate the orders he handed down, so he is covering up his friends porno habits and he is trying to save their jobs to make it look like, if they are let go “for cause”, it is Kane retaliating against them.

    This is an old tactic I’ve seen in government employment my whole life. If you think you are going to get fired you file a complaint against someone to make it look like your firing is retaliation for “whistle blowing.”

    The GOP isn’t about whistle blowing unless it is to save their own job.

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