What might have been?

As one approaches the end of a career, it is natural to ask whether one’s full potential for benefiting society had been achieved or whether opportunities were allowed to fall by the wayside.

In retrospect, it is remarkable how often my views have proven correct while popular convictions were folly. This wasn’t so much because I was so bright as compared to many whom I have known. It had more to do with questioning authority and conventional wisdom, paying attention while in college, and ongoing studies of history and current events.

Was all that might have been achieved? Or should the call to government service in 1981 been grasped, business and political activism set aside, and concentration been on achieving high public office?

In my heart of hearts, I do not believe I had the social skills to successfully swim in a government or political environment. But maybe… just perhaps… I made the wrong call.

Updated: November 20, 2013 — 2:30 pm