USA TODAY: …The cutbacks, required by a federal law passed in February, are already taking a toll. They are nudging some Americans into poverty, straining social services just as states and localities face their own budget woes and further crimping weak economic growth as those who lose benefits spend less.
The number of jobless workers has fallen from over 15 million in early 2010 to about 13 million now, but the share of unemployed workers collecting jobless benefits has dropped more sharply. It was about two out of three in 2010, but it’s less than one in two now. Next year only about one in four will receive payments, according to the National Employment Law Project (NELP).
“There’s going to be lots of people without any income still unable to find a job,” says George Wentworth, a senior staff attorney for NELP. “You’re going to see these people not be able to feed their families and not able to pay their mortgages. It will have a devastating impact on a lot of local economies.”… (more)