What did these people know more about than Joe Paterno?

Question:  What do Centre County Child Protective Services, a dissappeared Centre County district attorney, several PA State Attorney generals (including our now governor), the State College Police, the PSU university police, a PSU coach who eye witnessed sodomy of a child, and at least several parents of victim children all have in COMMON?

Answer: They all knew more about Sandusky being a sexual predator than Joe Paterno and had more culpability in the continuing commission of his criimes and yet are not being held accountable in any way.



  1. Don’y forget the news media in this far-reaching cover-up. Mike Gross admits in todays’s Sunday News of being aware of rumors for sometime, yet he chose to ignore them, rather than investigate. SO MANY were involved in this horrific scandal….how much of the timing of this whole dreadful scernario was orchestrated until JoePa could get the now meaningless wins record???

    Was Gross and all the rest of the Penn State lemmings too afraid to ‘call the whistle’? I have lost even more respect for Lancaster Newspapers, and it’s editorial staff for turning a blind eye.

  2. Why is no one else asking this?

    Can’t make excuses for Joe Paterno but an investigation into Sandusky had been started in 1998.

    What happened? Who was in charge of this and now the guy that was disappeared in 2005.

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