‘We just had a hunch’: US marshals nab Eric Frein

AOL/ AP: Scott Malkowski, a task force commander with the U.S. Marshals Service, spied a figure moving from the woods toward an abandoned airplane hangar in the Pocono Mountains. Looking at his face, his black hat and fleece, and his height and weight, Malkowski was certain he had his man.

“Suspect,” he told the two operators by his side, and they fanned out on either side of their quarry, who had no idea he’d just been spotted. Hidden by tall grass, Malkowski moved stealthily toward his target, adrenaline coursing through his body…

Once Frein was spotted, Malkowski and his team sneaked up on the fugitive. They were about 25 yards away when Frein finally realized he wasn’t alone. Malkowski identified himself as law enforcement and ordered Frein, who was unarmed but had weapons in the hangar, to get on the ground… (more)
