We have lost objectivity

Editor:  The below is in response to “Economy was purposely undermined”:

Anybody convinced Republicans are the bad guys and Dems the good ones–or vice-versa, is wasting his vote. The polarization of American politics so paralyses the intellect, so resembles in its effect the old “divide and conquer” strategy that I suspect it’s deliberate. It takes people of intelligence and education and literally makes them stupid.

Note that “Anonymous” above is so bent on blaming the current economic fix we’re in on Republicans he/she overlooks the part played by the sub-prime mortgage biz –in which Dems had their greedy fingers. Not to suggest Republicans are innocent of the same blame game. The point is, we have lost objectivity.

“Anonymous” hints at this vaguely by a murky comparison between politics and religion. The one requires dispassion; the other belief and blind faith. We seem to have mixed them up.
