We have a brilliant, pragmatic, visionary president

I welcome your positive assessments of Obama’s less than two years of great achievements. I couldn’t agree more and those pundits who characterize him as not caring about people are really blind to his enormous efforts against great odds in trying to make reforms and changes that will benefit “the people” for now and far into the future. He has been trying to save the sinking ship he inherited.

Perhaps the KISS motto was not applied enough, Keep It Simple, Stupid. But of course, the problems are complex. People stopped listening to our President and there was a HUGE propaganda machine and political opposition that sought to demonize him and turn him into a scapegoat, with malice and hate speech, fueled in some cases by racial prejudice and in others by the desire of the Republicans and big business and banking to to regain and grow their power to benefit themselves. And the filibuster. And ………

What a tragedy. We have a brilliant, pragmatic, visionary president who knows what is needed. And the people for whom he has literally worked himself to the bone just don’t get it. To the detriment of our country.

Well, the sun will come up today and let’s continue to hope and work for what we believe. So awful to have lost many really good people such as Joe Sestak.



  1. I didn’t stop laughing for ten minutes after reading this. Tears are still streaming down my face. This is one of the funniest pieces of humor I have read in a long time!!! Great work. Whoever wrote this should apply for a job with the Colbert Report.

    I am reminded of the hilarious images and videos of members of the perpetual food stamp and welfare class, right after the election of Hussein Obama, proclaiming their entitlement to government benefits.

    If the writer of the article wasn’t trying to be funny……..then I suspect he is one of those who survives by leeching off of others.

  2. Please tell me 1 thing that the “Brilliant” president has done for the USA.

    EDITOR: How about saving General Motors to start?

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