Watch Voting Machine Change Obama Votes To Romney Votes

TECH CRUNCH:  A Pennsylvania voting machine has been removed after it was found turning votes for President Obama into a vote for Romney. Internet user, centralpavote, recorded the malfunction on his smartphone and uploaded the video to popular content aggregator, The posting shot to instant fame (with 4800 ‘up votes’ on Reddit as of the time of this writing), and MSNBC confirms that the machine has since been taken out of service.

It’s not clear from the video if this was a hacking attempt, or a simple software error. On the electronic ballot, Obama’s name is right next to Mitt Romney’s, and and screen might just be misreading where the finger is touching by about an inch. Either way, the malfunction is troubling.

EDITOR:   Here we go again with electronic voting machines.   They are highly susceptible to manipulation through spurious programming.   News Lanc led the local campaign to discourage purchase of additional voting machine after Commissioner Dick Shellenbeger foolishly acquire almost new machines being diposed of on the cheap by a West Coast city.   Fortunately the current commissioners declined to purchase more.

There are also reports of e-mails stating they are from the State bein sent to inner city residents in Philadelphia and Harrisburg  telling them that they must have a drivers license in order to vote.
