Waste to Energy a Health Hazard?

CBN: …”Incineration, first of all, is not waste to energy,” [attorney Mike Ewall, co-director of Energy Justice Network, ] told CBN News. “They like to call it that, but what it really is is waste turned into toxic ash and toxic air emissions.”

“Incineration releases a lot of toxic metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium,” he continued. “It releases dioxins and furans, which are the most toxic chemicals known to science, and these chemicals get into the food supply.”

Leaders at Covanta maintain measures are in place to comply with EPA regulations and to protect people from harmful emissions… (more)

EDITOR: The Covanta spokesperson goes on to say: “Is there fugitive ash from these monofills? Is there metal leaching out of that concrete as it sets up? And the answer to those questions in the long-term monitoring is no if you’ve done it right,” Gilman said.

Concerning the Harrisburg incinerator, it is highly doubtful that it was “done right” forty years ago, yet the likely partially toxic ash from that era is included with the incinerator should it be sold to the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority.

Of course no one can tell until an environmental study based upon testing is made. But there lies the rub. Both the Harrisburg and Lancaster authorities remain silent on the matter, claiming they will not allow each other to tell the public. What utter nonsense and likely dissemblng!
