WASHINGTON POST:   Emily’s List’s sleazy attack ad in the Pennsylvania Senate race

WASHINGTON POST: …This ad is a depressing example of how random statements can be twisted into sharp-edged attacks. Sestak never supported the specifics of the plan highlighted by Emily’s List; he offered just vague expressions of interest in tackling the challenges posed by systemic budget deficits.

This is indeed a serious issue, but few lawmakers will be willing to make hard choices if they fear they will be falsely attacked like this. Emily’s List is doing a disservice to American democracy when it engages in such deceptive advertising.

In fact, Obama made specific policy recommendations derived from the Bowles-Simpson report. One can only imagine the attack ad Emily’s List would have run if Obama were attempting to win a Senate nod against a woman… (more)


EDITOR:  The Democrat leadership , let by Chuck Schumer (the senator from Wall Street) and encouraged by Ed Rendell spent millions of dollars of money earmarked for the general election campaign against incumbent Pat Toomey to sink Admiral Joe Sestak, who was leading the senate primary race by a large margin.   Outsiders by means of  outright lies deprived Pennsylvanian Democrats of their candidate of choice.  Moreover, Senate campaign chair Schumer may have saved Toomey’s Republican seat!   All because Sestak wouldn’t kneel down before him.


