“Push for Looser Pot Laws Gains Momentum, legalizing marijuana” reports “A push to legalize marijuana on the West Coast is picking up steam as Washington lawmakers and pot proponents in California and Oregon propose separate measures…

“The efforts are part of a national marijuana-legalization movement that has lately been emboldened by several factors, including laws allowing marijuana for medical purposes. The recession may be another reason. With many states suffering big budget deficits, for instance, legalization advocates say the states could benefit from new taxes on the sale of marijuana. …

“In a poll last week of 500 adults in Washington state by SurveyUSA, 56% of respondents said legalizing marijuana is a good idea…”

An April survey by the Field Poll found that 56% of California voters support legalizing pot and taxing its proceeds as a way of mitigating the state’s financial crisis.

WATCHDOG: He doesn’t partake of pot but recognizes it is much safer than alcoholic beverages.  Three wags of the tail!

Updated: January 18, 2010 — 3:41 pm