An op-ed Hungary’s Agenda for Europe; All my countrymen regret the controversy that the new media law caused at the very moment we took up the EU presidency” by Janos Csak,   Hungary’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, seeks to defend the revision to the Hungarian Constitution gagging dissent as follows:

There is another aspect of the debate that is worth reflecting on. Much of the criticism has been based on the assertion that the making of the law was in some way undemocratic. This is plainly untrue. The Hungarian Parliament, which framed and passed the legislation, is democratically elected by the people. The political composition of the Parliament is the incontestable result of the will of Hungarian voters. Respect for democracy and the will of the people is what we should champion at home and abroad.”

WATCHDOG: Csak has not learned one of the basic tenets of Democracy, that the few are always to be protected from the many.  Just because for one election a party won an overwhelming majority does not entitled it to repeal what civilized nations consider to be basic human rights.  For example, would the Hungarian Parliament ordering genocide against the Romas be legitimate?

Fortunately the European Union has the power to promote democracy and protect  human rights!

Updated: February 5, 2011 — 9:42 am