Wake up Lancaster …New York City was once farm land

At one time was there not a committee for responsible development of Lancaster County….if so, where are they?? I have written the letters to Ray LaHood and attended a few meetings. Dale High, in my opinion, is a man with no conscience or loyalty or love of Lancaster County and his greed is never satisfied.

Long’s Park, our lovely Long’s Park, will be so negatively impacted with trash and crime that I am sure Dale High will have plans for the park in the future, when it becomes such an eyesore and crime area that no one will want to be there.

Who thinks we need this shopping center and hotel??? I am so angry I can hardly express myself. We are ruining all that makes Lancaster County appealing with this irresponsible and greedy build, build, build.

And while all the road construction is going on, how will people get to Park City, Lancaster’s share of the tax pie.

Which brings me to another grating fact of all the city non-profits. Why do we have so many and what is the city doing to assure that these properties quality for tax exempt status.

Wake up, Lancaster County, all we have been is slowing dissolving under the heavy hands of local developers and cooperating officials……remember, New York City was once all farm land.


1 Comment

  1. At the same time, the County Commissioners have been quietly and persistently gutting the County Planning Commission staff with no one from the new media taking notice.

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