Voters Disagree with Major Medicare Change Proposal

IBOPE  ZOGBY:  – A majority of likely voters does not agree with a major change to the Medicare program proposed last week by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) that would provide Medicare beneficiaries a lump sum that could be used to buy insurance on the private market. They are more evenly split on Ryan’s proposal to covert Medicaid to a block grant program.

The IBOPE Zogby International interactive poll conducted on April 5-7 describes a main component of the plan Ryan announced last week to cut costs to Medicare, and asked voters if they agreed or disagreed with it.

Do you agree or disagree that the current Medicare program should be changed to provide those eligible for Medicare with a lump sum amount of money they would use to buy healthcare insurance on the private market?

Response  All voters  Democrats  Republicans  Independents
Agree 32% 12% 54% 30%
Disagree 55% 80% 29% 57%
Not sure 13% 8% 17% 13%