Vital Voter I. D. distinction by high court

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial:  …Noting that voting is a guaranteed right under the U.S. Constitution and even more emphatically under the Pennsylvania Constitution, the justices told Judge Simpson to demonstrate that the law would not result in any citizen losing the right to vote. That shifted the burden to the state, which always should face a heavy burden of proof in attempting to deny or even modify a constitutional right.

In his earlier ruling, [Commonwealth Court Judge Robert] Simpson had, in effect, taken the word of state officials that a Department of State identification card would be available to anyone who could not meet the law’s requirements to get one from PennDOT.

That, said the Supreme Court, is not enough. It instructed Judge Simpson to require the state to prove the assertion by Oct. 2, or to issue a permanent injunction against the law… (more)
