Very discouraged

Attended the Penn Manor school board meeting last week.  Government is choking the property owner while raping the education system…

Without any guilt, the school board uses the allowed tax increase like a cookie jar.  Instead of trying to cut spending they choose to raise taxes…

For example, the school district just spent 3.8 million for 44 acres, more than anyone is getting for land these days out of their general fund.  The treasurer says, we have plenty of money in the fund.  If that is the case, then why cut good programs, why raise taxes, why sit on 44 acres for maybe 10 or more years?  It is all political, the past president of the school board owned the land…

Vouchers, that is I believe Act 1 and here is how I heard it goes.  Say you want to send your child to Lancaster Catholic instead of Lancaster City.  You will get a voucher for let’s say $2500 and the tuition is $3500.  The parents have to pay the difference and, if they do not have it, there is no voucher and the child stays in the Lancaster School District.  This is all smoke and mirrors to pay back promises that got votes.  Shame on the politicians.

The redistribution of wealth system that is taking place will eventually eliminate the middle class from all its pain and suffering.  The middle class makes up the largest percentage of taxpayers.  The very wealthy do not pay taxes and the low income people do not:  Hello????

Hidden in the Health care bill is a Real Estate tax of 3%.  Eventually, one will not be able to afford to OWN my friends as REAL ESTATE generates the bulk of our funds local, state and national.  Less people owning, landlords will charge higher rents to pay the load.  Short sales and foreclosures create less tax dollars which will affect services as well as education.  Then there are the pensions, perks and benefits to consider.

“ WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY, IT IS US.”  The blame has to stop at the polls.  We are electing the wrong people to do jobs they are not qualified for OR owe their souls for…

The people that get out and vote these days are those that want the ENTITLEMENTS.  If you sit back and analyze our business ethics, it is all about KICKBACKS, PERKS, ENTITLEMENTS….

Work, why should someone laid off want to work when they moon light and get unemployment?  Why encourage our senior high school students to pick a school that they can afford so when they graduate with an $80,000 loan to repay that they cannot walk from and will get a $25,000 a year job? Better to go into the service or work and go to school part time as their grandparents and parents did.

Our young are learning the wrong work and credit ethics from their parents who bought over their heads and lived on plastic.  We cannot blame government for what we have allowed to happen.


1 Comment

  1. Yes you can blame the government…they also bought over their heads and passed the bill on to the taxpayer. Rising costs, shrinking salaries, rising food costs and shrinking product volumn. Paying more for less. Credit card companies who went to the college campuses to sign up young people for credit cards. ( Use your imagination as to the pitfalls of that campaign).

    It is no stretch for me to live frugally. My daughter is 25 and she wore my friend’s daughter’s hand-me-downs for many years and when she outgrew the clothing, I passed it on to a grandmother who was raising her granddaughter.

    I shopped the thrift shops for clothing. We did not go out to eat, we attended free events, loved the parades for the fairs but never went to the fair. We walked to market and took the bus home, went on picnics, free movies at Buchannan Park in the summer, and I am convinced the best things in life really are free.

    There were times early on when I had $2 in my checking account but I always was able to pay the bills and we never felt the need to ask anyone for help. I spent my money on a private school education, plays, and the symphony. We did not have nintendo and very few TV channels.

    I’ve asked my now grown daughter if she ever knew how little money we used to live and she was very surprised as she never felt that she went without. Nor did anyone else see us as doing without.

    The best things in life are free. They truly are. You have the freedom to spend your money the best way for you and not to impress your friends. Those days are over and good riddance.

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