Utility to shut down nuclear power plant in Japan

USA TODAY: The operator of a coastal nuclear power plant agreed Monday to the Japanese government’s request to shutter three reactors there until it builds a seawall and other tsunami protections.

Chubu Electric Power Co. acted at a special board meeting after Prime Minister Naoto Kan requested the temporary shutdown at the Hamaoka plant amid concerns a earthquake magnitude 8.0 or higher could strike the region within 30 years.

The government acted after evaluating Japan’s 54 reactors for quake and tsunami vulnerability after the March 11 disasters that crippled the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in northeast Japan…  (more)

EDITOR:  It is hard to conceive that a private utility company in good standing  would close down its nuclear power plant in the USA just because of a request of the government.  They would cite fiduciary responsibilities to stock holders as a reason and demand a court order or negotiated compensation.  Also the workers would be up in arms.  In Japan, the lines between governments, banks and the private economy are not as sharply drawn and much is worked out off stage.
