The heading for the article is  “U.S. judge says victims’ bodies can prevent rape”.

“A Southern California judge is being publicly admonished for saying a rape victim “didn’t put up a fight” during her assault and that if someone doesn’t want sexual intercourse, the body “will not permit that to happen.”

WATCHDOG: Here are excerpts buried below in the article:

“…Johnson, a former prosecutor in the Orange County district attorney’s sex crimes unit, said during the man’s 2008 sentencing that he had seen violent cases on that unit in which women’s vaginas were “shredded” by rape.

“I’m not a gynecologist, but I can tell you something: If someone doesn’t want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage is inflicted, and we heard nothing about that in this case,” Johnson said.

The commission found that Johnson’s view that a victim must resist to be a real victim of sexual assault was his opinion, not the law. Since 1980, California law doesn’t require rape victims to prove they resisted or were prevented from resisting because of threats.

In an apology to the commission, Johnson said his comments were inappropriate. He said his comments were the result of his frustration during an argument with a prosecutor over the defendant’s sentence.

Johnson said he believed the prosecutor’s request of a 16-year sentence was not authorized by law. Johnson sentenced the rapist to six years instead, saying that’s what the case was “worth.”

Two questions:

1)  Is the headline and opening paragraph representative of the thrust of the article?

2)  If a woman can accuse a man of rape yet there is no physical evidence of forcible entry and obviously no witness, how can a male defend himself f rom a false charge?

Issues aren’t simplistic in life.   Maybe the California law goes too far.

Updated: December 14, 2012 — 1:05 pm