Article “Economic woes offer awkward backdrop for Obama’s vacation”, reports:

“Fourteen million people are out of work. Millions more are losing fortunes in the stock market. America’s AAA bond rating has slipped.

“So should President Obama be vacationing next week in Martha’s Vineyard, off the coast of Massachusetts, where the average home costs $650,000?…”


The mind works on many levels.   Unless a leader gets away from daily chores and demands, there is little time for rest, regaining equilibrium, and reflection.   In the midst of stressful situation, FDR would go fishing for a week.   Dwight D. Eisenhower would escape for weeks at golf courses.

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t working!  Rather, they are giving themselves (and the nation) the opportunity to utilize their entire mental capacity, to gain perspective, to fantasize courses of actions and their likely outcomes, and to gain insight.

Of course, there is never a day that the president doesn’t receive a couple of hours of briefing concerning the state of the world with emphasis on national security.  He is only seconds away from any breaking concerns.

Nothing could be better for the country than for the President to take his family and get away to a location isolated from public views for a couple of weeks.   When he returned, he would know what he wanted to do over the next few months.

Updated: August 11, 2011 — 7:46 am