US State Dept. Blasts CNN Report on Ambassador Stevens’ Diary


…In a statement Saturday, CNN defended its use of the journal’s contents and asked “why is the State Department now attacking the messenger.”

“CNN did not initially report on the existence of a journal out of respect for the family, but we felt there were issues raised in the journal which required full reporting, which we did,” the channel said.

The public has a right to know what CNN learned from “multiple sources” about fears and warnings of a terror threat before the Benghazi attack, the channel said, “which are now raising questions about why the State Department didn’t do more to protect Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: We recommend reading the article in its entirety It seems like the decent thing not to report on strictly personal references in the diary, although a diary is not exempt as evidence under the law.   (NewsLanc’s practice is to excerpt only three paragraphs when linking to an article.)

Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a public servant. Provided CNN only references matters pertinent to national interests,  the public has a right to know and it performing a service.

Hopefully the only copy of the diary has been reviewed by officials and then returned to the family.

Responsible journalists constantly have to discern what is in the public’s interest versus respecting the privacy of individuals.

