US bans 10 Hungarian officials, businessmen from entering country


BUDAPEST BEACON: Hungarian daily newsportals and are reporting that ten Hungarian officials and associates have been banned from the United States of America. ATV reports that a total of 10 individuals were summoned to the US embassy and informed that their right to enter the United States had been revoked by presidential proclamation. According to ATV several of the individuals in questions are businessmen with known ties to Hungary’s governing party, Fidesz. reports that among those banned are Árpád Habony, a close advisor to prime minister Viktor Orbán, and Péter Heim, the president of Fidesz think tank Századvég. Századvég was recently engaged by the prime minister’s office to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for improving Hungary’s image in the United States.

András Giró-Száz, who left Századvég in 2010 to become a government spokesperson, has also been reportedly banned, although the the prime minister’s office categorically denies this, writes also lists Hungarian Tax authority (NAV) president Ildikó Vida and other NAV officials as those no longer welcome in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

ATV and report that some of the individuals in question are accused by the United States government of either engaging in or benefitting from corruption. The news portal believes closer relations between Hungary and Russia may also have something to do with this unprecedent action. reports that acting US head of mission in Budapest, M. André Goodfriend, was summoned to the Foreign Ministry on Friday to account for his government’s actions. This is the second time Goodfriend has been summoned to the Foreign Ministry this month. Earlier this month Goodfriend was summoned to explain comments made by President Barack Obama criticizing Hungary for surpressing civil society. Last week Goodfriend held a joint press conference with beleagured NGO fund operator Ökotárs director Veronika Móra to discuss the latest USAID report on the state of civil society in Hungary.

