Unify drug courts, system

PITTSBURGH TIMES-HERALD EDITORIAL: …As reported by Public Source, a statewide reporting project that works in concert with newspapers including The Times-Tribune, common offenses do not result in common treatment across all of the state’s 67 counties…

The state Supreme Court zealously guards its prerogative to administer the court, as an aspect of the constitutional principle of separation of equal power among the three branches of government. Unfortunately, the Legislature guards its prerogatives even more zealously than the judiciary, fundamentally ignoring the court’s order for a uniformly funded and administered court system…

The state Supreme Court should ensure that drug courts are available in every judicial district, even if some of those districts have to combine their resources. Doing so would ensure all drug defendants a chance to turn around their lives and become healthy, productive citizens. And every taxpayer has skin in the game because the treatment regimens mandated by the drug courts are far less expensive than incarceration… (more)
