Ukraine unrest spreads beyond Kiev

FINANCIAL TIMES: Anti-government unrest in Ukraine was spreading beyond Kiev on Friday with demonstrators seizing local government buildings in several west Ukrainian cities, as the capital braced itself this weekend for a fresh surge of protesters.

The occupations of local administrations in the mainly Ukrainian-speaking west was confirmed by the government. They pose a new challenge to President Viktor Yanukovich amid a two-month-old crisis that has challenged his rule and rattled the economy.

They came as Viviane Reding, European Commission vice-president, issued one of the starkest warnings yet from a senior western politician, telling the CNBC network that Ukraine risked “civil war” if it did not resolve the crisis… (more)

EDITOR: We consider what happens in Ukraine to be more import for the future of Europe and the United States than current occurances in Syria, Iran or China. This is a show down with Vladimir Puten who would resurrect a hostile Soviet Union.
