UK and Russia ‘can bridge Syria differences’

ALJAZEERA: Russia and Britain can overcome their differences on the Syria conflict, British Prime Minister David Cameron said after meeting President Vladimir Putin in London…

Cameron said that he blamed President Bashar al-Assad for “tearing country apart” and the Syrian leader had to go.

But he said: “What I take from our conversation today is that we can overcome these differences if we recognise that we share some fundamental aims: to end the conflict, to stop Syria breaking apart, to let the Syrian people decide who governs them and to take the fight to the extremists and defeat them.” … (more)

EDITOR: Yet the Financial Times reports:

“But, after talks with David Cameron, UK prime minister and the summit’s host, in Downing Street on Sunday, Mr Putin showed little sign of compromising on Syria. He said Russia was ‘supplying arms to the legitimate government of Syria in line with international law’”.
