U.S. to pursue ‘non-lethal’ aid for Syrian rebels

USA TODAY / AP:   Seeking to stem the violence in Syria, the U.S. and other key allies are considering providing Syrian rebels with communications help, medical aid and other “non-lethal” assistance.

President Obama discussed the potential aid options Sunday in a lengthy private meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Both leaders are in Seoul, South Korea for a nuclear security summit.

Turkey has been a key U.S. partner in international efforts to quell violence in neighboring Syria and push President Bashar Assad to leave power. The United Nations estimates 8,000 people — many civilian protesters — have been killed in year-long clashes between forces loyal to Assad and opposition fighters…   (more)

 EDITOR:  In other words, the USA, England and perhaps Germany and France will supply the money and hi-tech; the Turks will supply the sanctuary, training and weapons.  Good deal!




