U.S. Airport Security Is ‘Just A Show,’ Expert Says

HUFFINGTON POST: …“Checking luggage is very nice, it looks great, taking away the breast milk of the mother of a one month old baby, that looks great,” said Rafi Sela, the president of A.R. Challenges, a transportation consulting firm based in Israel. “It does nothing for security. It’s just a show.”

For years, Sela has been calling for the “Israel-ification” of America’s airports. Supporters of the tactic — which involves a great deal more face-time with passengers — say Israel’s airports effectively deal with much higher threat levels than American airports with way less hassle. At Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion airport, for example,passengers go through a series of screenings and interviews in lieu of dumping out their liquids and submitting to full body scanners. And Israeli airports’ security is seldom breached…

But as Sela has argued in a variety of places, including The New York Times, The Toronto Star and most recently humor site Cracked, traveling through an Israeli airport is safer and less of a hassle than in America… (more)
