U.N. summit: Europe touts 40% carbon cut goal

USA TODAY: …Leaders of more than 120 countries, including President Obama, will announce their efforts to fight global warming — as will many major companies — at what’s expected to be the largest climate meeting ever. Their pledges aim to build momentum for a new global climate accord to be announced next year during U.N. climate talks in Paris…

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim announced that a thousand companies and 73 countries — including China, Russia and the European Union — support putting a price or tax on fossil fuels to boost investments in cleaner energy. “Today we see real momentum,” he said, noting the governments represent almost half the world’s population.

Barroso said the EU, which his commission represents, is on track to meet its earlier pledge of cutting its 1990 carbon emissions 20% by 2020. He said it has done so while growing its economies, proving it’s possible to do both. He outlined the new 40% cut earlier this year and is now putting it forward for an EU vote. He spoke at the New York Stock Exchange shortly after ringing the trading bell… (more)
