Two questions about PAM

There are a lot of unanswered questions to the PAM puzzle, including: How did a building that was to have cost $12 million ($6 million in donations and $6 from in state funds) turn into a $32 million building? (See archived New Era story below).

Also: When did the purpose of the Academy, as stated when Veri and Jamanis first announced their plan to open a music school, change from a preparatory school for Juilliard (supposedly for talented high-school age students headed for careers as performers) to a school that accepted young beginners regardless of skill level or aptitude or background (no audition required) and even pre-school classes for infants and tots for any family that could afford the fee ($150 per 10-class session)?

“Help Music Academy get expansion funds

Lancaster New Era. Lancaster, Pa.: Apr. 19, 2002.    pg. A.10

Abstract (Summary)

The Pennsylvania Academy of Music, already known for its excellence of instruction and presentation, wants to expand its building substantially in the first block of North Prince by 2004.

There is one potential hangup. While the Academy has raised $6 million in matching funds it needs to qualify for $6 million in state funds tentatively allocated for the project, Pennsylvania’s share is not guaranteed.

Pennsylvania’s $6 million contribution to this project is not optional: It is vital to the Academy, to downtown Lancaster and to the county as a whole.”
