Two-party presidential race faces challenge


Quietly, away from the hubbub of the Republican primaries campaign and Barack Obama’s frenetic efforts to revive his fortunes, a new organisation has begun work to throw a mighty wrench in the gears of both major parties.

With $30m in privately raised funds from large and small donors, Americans Elect is building the online infrastructure to find an alternative candidate to run against the nominees of the Democratic and Republican parties.

The body has signed on well-known Republicans and Democrats and former political and military figures, who say they are disillusioned with the crushing conformity of the two dominant parties at a time of national crisis…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: The time has come for a new political party to challenge the current duopoly. We have the right wing Republicans, the right of center Democrats. Both bloated with money from Wall Street, Big Oil, Industrial Military Complex, Prison System, and the Health Care Industry.
