Turkey Gives Up On Unified Iraq

DAILY BEAST: Baghdad, there are signs that the Erdogan government in neighboring Turkey is giving up on the survival of Iraq as a unified state.

Such a move would be a radical policy shift for Turkey, a key U.S. ally and NATO member. Under the Turkish current policy, Ankara has been keen to preserve Iraq’s territorial unity in order to prevent a Kurdish state from being created, because such a development could promote separatist sentiments among Turkey’s own Kurdish minority of about 12 million people.

But the escalating Sunni-Shia sectarian war in Iraq is forcing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other policymakers in Ankara to review that position, said Veysel Ayhan, director of the Ankara-based think tank International Middle East Peace Research Center (IMPR)… (more)

EDITOR: Partition was always the common sense solution. Iraq was simply a careless dividing of the Middle East boundaries by England, France and the USA ater World War I. It was without due regard of the nature and the desireof the populations. The same is true of Syria. As Robert Frost wrote “Good fences make for good neighbors.”
