Tuesday’s Single Payer rally draws crowd

More than 1,000 people showed up for the single payer rally in Harrisburg today.  A pretty strong turnout for a work day.

The governor has said he will sign a bill if the legislature passes it.  It sounds like they have a lot of support in both Houses, but not clearly enough to pass it yet. The AFL-CIO rep mentioned that people in the executive office were trying to slow the House down, so Rendell could be saying one thing but having his staff slow the bill down so it does not get to his desk.

And, in the Senate, it sounds like the key committee chair is holding it back.  The organizers in PA, www.HealthCare4AllPA.org, are very enthusiastic, hard working and realistic.  They are building the citizens army it takes to overcome the corporate powers.  I expect the bill will pass in PA, but probably not this year.  The organization seems strong enough to stay persistent and not give up.

There will be video of the rally coming out later.  Here’s the first article on it.
