TSA to pull revealing scanners from airports

WASHINGTON POST:  The Transportation Security Administration will remove 174 full-body scanners from airport security checkpoints, ending a $40 million contract for the machines, which caused a uproar because they revealed a spectral naked form of passengers.

TSA Administrator John S. Pistole issued the order this week after concluding that new software that made the machines less intrusive could not be developed in time to meet a June 1 deadline mandated by Congress…

A vocal, infuriated minority of Americans pressured the Obama administration and Congress to find a less-intrusive method for trying to ensure air safety. Pistole was called to Capitol Hill but remained stalwart, insisting that the scanners are necessary in the defense against inventive terrorists obsessed with attacking aviation….  (more)

EDITOR:   Let’s hope and pray that their removal doesn’t lead to tragedy.
