Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Told Police Teen Attacked Him

HUFFINGTON POST:   Nearly a month after Trayvon Martin’s killing, the account of what occurred the night of the teen’s fatal confrontation with George Zimmerman is getting more complicated. As the public attempts to piece together what really happened on Feb. 26, more details have emerged telling Zimmerman’s side of the story.

According to law enforcement authorities, Zimmerman, who maintained he shot the teen in self-defense, told local police that Martin punched him in the face, climbed on top of him and slammed his head into the sidewalk, the Orlando Sentinel reports

When the local police arrived at the scene, they found Zimmerman with a bloody nose, swollen lip and lacerations in the back of his head. Although paramedics gave him first aid, he said he did not need to go to the hospital and sought medical treatment the next day. …  (more)




  1. I have followed the reporting of the fatal shooting of Trayvon Marting, a 17 year-old black youth in Florida. There is no dispute that Mr. Martin was shot to death by George Zimmerman, an mixed-race Hispanic adult male. Mr. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain and had seen Mr. Martin walking through his gated community. He reported a “suspicious” individual to the police. As he was calling the cops, Zimmerman told the police he lost sight of Martin.

    Moments later Martin was dead.

    Zimmerman has said that he was attacked by Martin, knocked to the ground by the youth, and beaten. He told detectives that Martin tried to grab his gun. When police responded to the incident, Zimmerman had injuries consistent with being beaten and pummeled on the ground. Grass stains were found on Zimmerman’s back. His face was bloody. At least one witness has said that he saw Zimmerman being beaten on the ground. Several neighbors reported hearing a man screaming.

    What if Zimmerman is right? If he was justified in shooting an attacking, large young man, why in hell are Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, NBA players, and, for god sakes, the President of the United States weighing in on the subject? Apart from being President of all of the citizens of the country, including Mr. Zimmerman, Obama is also an attorney, he should know better.

    Instead, Mr. Zimmerman has already been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. And with race-dividers like Sharpton and Jackson fanning the flames, Zimmerman’s right to a fair trial is compromised by the hysterical saturation coverage.

    It is not unlike what the media did to Jerry Sandusky. Sandusky may be guilty of gross perversions, but if he is not, the coverage of that case has made a mockery of finding an impartial jury. We all lose when that happens.

    The trashing of the fundamental right to a fair trial in both cases shows that the horde media cares more about ratings and revenue than about civil liberties and rights of the citizens it is supposed to inform. I am not surprised by this, only disappointed. But I thought the President was better than that. On this matter, I was wrong.

  2. I’d like to see President Obama and Reverand Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and all those bullshit rappers focus on BLACK ON BLACK gun crime. Blacks kill blacks 99% of the time.

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