Tragically, this report is not from Lancaster but from elsewhere

May 2012 Monthly Syringe Exchange Report

Twenty-five participants were tested for HIV in May.

Total contacts: 430

Total IDU contacts: 393

Total unduplicated IDU contacts: 349

Syringes: 4030

Condoms distributed: Male- 2464, Female-47, Dental Dams-46 Finger Cots-60

Demographics of unduplicated IDU contacts:

African American male: 51

White Male: 57

Latino: 94

African American female: 40

White female: 58

Latina: 49

We completed 283 referrals for various services.

This month, as a result of our 95 total Drug & Alcohol  referrals, seven participants entered into drug treatment facilities. This indicates those of whom we are aware; there may be additional entries of which we are not aware.

EDITOR:  There is no syringe exchange here in Lancaster.  The Urban League wanted to organize and operate one; Lancaster General Hospital rejected a rquest for financial aid. 
