Top Republicans Signal Willingness to Break Tax Pledge

NEWSMAX:   On Sunday, three leading Republicans — Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain, and Rep. Peter King — said they no longer viewed the anti-tax pledge designed by activist Grover Norquist to be binding on them. Their statements followed a similar one Thursday by Georgia Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss.

The decades-old pledge from the Americans for Tax Reform group has been signed by 238 House members and 41 senators in this Congress and has essentially become inescapable for any Republican seeking statewide or national office over recent election cycles, especially in the Republican-controlled lower chamber…

For his part, Norquist on Friday said that breaking the pledge is breaking a promise to constituents who elected their representatives in part on their commitment against tax increases…  (more)

EDITOR:   Also highly pertinent, right-wing NewsMax headlined this  sympathetic  report.  The “Grand Old Party” is returning to its senses by turning away from the tyranny of  ‘Czar” Grover Norquist. 
