Too Big to Fail

Because it was after midnight, the Watchdog only stayed up to see the first half of the HBO special “Too Big to Fail” but found what he saw to be terrific.

It seems very faithful to the history of the events, avoiding the usual Hollywood approach to using a human interest plot to provide drama.  There is more than enough drama in what occurred!

Those in denial over the virtue of  the bipartisan TARP (which in the end probably paid for itself and may have made a profit) and the Democrat Recovery Act should be required to watch this movie at least three times in an endeavor (probably futile) to counter their counter-factual inclinations.

The world was plummeting into a major depression, perhaps worse than in the 1930s, and only the actions, with great reluctance, of a Republican administration saved the day.   By staying out of the way and backing Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson step by step, ‘W ‘ did perhaps the best thing of his sorry presidency.


1 Comment

  1. At 10 am this morning a giant comet was going to hit the earth. I paid myself $100 to tell it to stop. The comet never came. Best $100 I ever spent !

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