Tom Wolf’s Rendellian moves

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE COLUMN: …Some Republicans say his tactics are “Rendellian”:

• Shortly after taking office, firing Republican Gov. Tom Corbett’s late-term appointee Erik Arneson as director of the Office of Open Records.

• Telling lawmakers that his budget, with numerous components and working parts, has to be considered as a whole. “The Republicans are cherry-picking aspects of the budget for their own political gain,” said spokesman Jeffrey Sheridan. To some GOP senators, it sounds like “take it or leave it.”

• A letter from his education secretary to 500 school districts, which incensed House and Senate Republican leaders, requiring districts to develop a plan for spending basic education money (which Wolf proposed) that has not been appropriated. Both chambers are still deeply immersed in budget hearings in an effort to examine Wolf’s plan… (more)
