Tom Baldrige to become County Administrator?

It certainly is within the realm of possibility [that Tom Baldridge would be named county administrator.]

As head of the Lancaster Alliance, Tom Baldrige was the individual most responsible for pushing the hotel and convention center project. As head of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tom Baldrige has been the individual most responsible for pushing the “home rule” proposal, immediately following the County Commissioners’ legitimate questioning of the financing plan behind the hotel and convention center project. And Tom Baldrige is in the center of the Lancaster Chamber’s current push to pursuade people to vote in favor of the currently proposed “home rule” charter.

As county administrator, Mr. Baldrige would be in the perfect position to lubricate the wheels of Lancaster County government in favor of the interests of the big businesses that he has been promoting. Since the county administrator under the current “home rule” proposal would be appointed, not elected, an individual could conceivably serve in that position for decades. After all, who in a position of power would dare to question Mr. Baldrige’s “qualifications” for the job?
