Today’s LCCCA is practically powerless…

The current LCCCA is not the same organization that dragged us into this fiscal folly. What you say is 100% true of the LCCCA before the tenure of Art Morris, but today only two of the original group remain: Ted Darcus, who is no longer in a position of influence, and R.B. Campbell, one of the few LCCCA board members who had the audacity to ask real questions. Even Stevens & Lee is no longer involved.

History will show that the LCCCA board and directors before mid-2007 (aided and encouraged by Stevens & Lee) sold out generations of local taxpayers to powerful people. Today’s LCCCA is practically powerless, which is EXACTLY what their predecessors planned for.


1 Comment

  1. While it may be unfortunately true that the LCCCA is practically powerless; Lancaster City and County voters are not.

    Placing a tax increase as a voter referendum on the fall ballot will demonstrate to everyone just who has the power in this regard. Taxation without representation caused the Revolutionary War. Maybe it’s time for Lancaster County taxypaying voters to ‘go to war’ against the Power Elite!!!!

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