TIMES TRIBUNE: Make pleas means to end

“Guilty pleas entered Wednesday by seven former state House Democratic staff members were important beyond their individual cases, and beyond the resolution of criminal charges against others involved in the ongoing ‘Bonusgate’ scandal.

“The pleas, including by Scott Brubaker, former House caucus administrator; and Mike Manzo, former chief of staff for former House Majority Leader William DeWeese (who also has been charged), moved the Bonusgate scheme from the realm of allegation to acknowledged fact. Within that transition lies a call for transformation of the Pennsylvania Legislature…

“For the most part, the Legislature’s response to these abuses has not been sweeping reform, but reform around the edges and a resolve to ride out the storm.

“The scope of the charges in the Bonusgate scandal, now buttressed by seven guilty pleas, should change that posture. The list of needed reforms is long, ranging from an honest legislative districting mechanism to a smaller Legislature. The first convictions should accelerate momentum for a state constitutional convention to finally resolve the Legislature’s structural and operational deficiencies in favor of the public interest.”
