Time to end gerrymanders

If ever there is an opportunity to reform gerrymandering in Pennsylvania, it is now with the Democrats having swept all five state supreme court elections, given them a solid majority through 2021 when redistricting of congressional districts will occur.

Due to ‘creative’ drawing of district lines, Republicans have been able to obtain a 13 to 5 control of the Pennsylvania delegation although Democrats usually win statewide elections.

Below are excerpts from an editorial in the Scranton Times-Leader:

“Gerrymandering is the process by which politicians choose their voters to ensure their own longevity in office, rather than allowing voters to choose their officeholders in fair, competitive elections.

“The next census will be conducted in 2020, resulting in redrawn districts for the 2022 elections. Change will be significant in that Pennsylvania is likely to lose yet another congressional seat, reducing the delegation to 17.

“Pennsylvania lawmakers should move now for honest redistricting, models for which now exist in several other states, including California, Nebraska and Arizona. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld use of an independent commission to fairly draw new boundaries, which would be vastly superior to the dishonorable Pennsylvania practice of letting politicians choose their voters.”
