Thugs steal another NewsLanc box

As a staff member remarked, we must be hitting a nerve when people empty out our circulation boxes out of spite and when still another of the boxes is stolen.  This one was on the corner of Harrisburg Pike and President Avenue in front of the vacant former Faulkner dealership.

Once again we offer a thousand dollar reward for the arrest and conviction of whoever stole the box.


1 Comment

  1. “Thugs” or cowards? Cowards, as we all know live in fear, and usually commit their felonies, like this one, in secret. But who would possibly be afraid of NewsLanc? Who would be that angry with them? Afraid of words? Who would gain by silencing them? Was this, not so petty crime, done by someone paid to do it? Paid by whom and for what reason? What’s the beef?

    Get it out into the open . . . . or is that not possible? A typical vandal does not usually target newspaper boxes, and several times to boot, leaving other obvious targets alone. But, no matter by whom, and for whatever reason, whoever did this, and did it yet again, is not simply a thug, but a coward.

    I congratulate NewsLanc for the courage to publish . . .for being an alternate and important source for your readers, like myself, to know and understand our community, our great virtues and our faults.

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