The welfare state wins this budget war

By Robert J. Samuelson

WASHINGTON POST:  With so much financial turmoil — and Standard & Poor’s downgrade of U.S. debt — it’s important to grasp what last week’s budget deal does and doesn’t do.

Note, for starters, that it won’t create much “fiscal drag” on the economy. The spending cuts are simply too small in a $15 trillion annual economy. The deal might shave one-tenth of 1 percent off annual growth in the next decade, estimates the forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers. Note also that the deal isn’t a victory for the Tea Party over liberals. Liberals got much of what they wanted while the Tea Party’s influence may wane. Taxes may rise if the Bush-Obama tax cuts expire at the end of 2012.

But the budget deal does reflect national priorities, for good or ill. It’s mostly a triumph of the welfare state over the Pentagon. Even before the deal, the Obama administration projected that — assuming continued withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan — defense spending would shrink to 15 percent of the budget by 2016. This would be the lowest share since before World War II. The deal’s cuts, potentially as much as $950 billion over a decade, would reduce that further. In the 1950s and ’60s, defense often was half of the budget. …   (more)
