The Vampires of Wall Street – Unregulated Derivative Trading

VETERANS TODAY:    It’s time for a stake in the heart of unregulated derivative trading which represents over 150 trillion dollars in the United States alone with most of that risk backed up by the FDIC and ultimately American taxpayers. These unregulated financial vampires are sucking the blood out of Wall Street and leaving America vulnerable to another immense financial collapse.

There are two ways to be fooled: One is to believe what isn’t so; the other is to refuse to believe what is so: Kierkegaard

America is on the edge of an immense moral and financial collapse which is more than evident on Main Street America but still actively hidden and disguised on Wall Street. But behind the smoke and mirrors of a corrupt financial system are the vampires of Wall Street ~ the unregulated Derivative Traders whose feeding frenzy continues unabated and all backed up by the federal Reserve…  (more)
