The US’ school to prison pipeline

ALJAZEERA:  For the first time, a US congressional panel is looking into what the American Civil Liberties Union calls a disturbing trend – one that criminalises rather than educates many US children.

The so-called ‘school to prison pipeline’ has been linked to zero tolerance policies that remove teachers’ discretion over how to discipline student misbehaviour.

Campaigners say the policy has seen children suspended for minor infractions – marginalising at-risk youth and denying them access to education.  They add that it leaves them more likely to end up in prison as adults.

What is more, the burden of the trend falls disproportionately on students of colour…  (more)



1 Comment

  1. Aren’t the student’s denying themselves access to education? Mass education requires that all cooperate so that all may learn. When I was in school there were always a few who disproportionetly took much time away from learning to the detriment of the entire class.

    While criminalization is going too far, special facilities for those who cannot respect the rights of others to get an education should be an alternative.

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