The Truth About Female Orgasms: Look to the Clitoris, Not the Vagina

DAILY BEAST: A groundbreaking new study says there’s no such thing as a “vaginal orgasm” and that the elusive “G-spot orgasm” is elusive for a reason: because it simply doesn’t exist. Published in the forthcoming issue of Clinical Anatomy, the controversial study, which will surely upset the G-spot obsessed editors at Cosmopolitan, exalts the clitoris (called, somewhat creepily, the “female penis” by the study’s authors) as the sole source of the female orgasm.

“The ‘vaginal’ orgasm that some women report is always caused by the surrounding erectile organs,” write authors Vincenzo and Giulia Puppo. “The vagina has no anatomical relationship with the clitoris.”

Puppo and Puppo’s study expands on the sexual research of Alfred Kinsey and Masters & Johnson, while authoritatively debunking Freud’s theory that clitoral orgasms are “adolescent” and less powerful than the “mature” vaginal orgasm… (more)

EDITOR: We need a follow up article on male orgasms.
