The Truth About Billionaire George Soros’ Big Moves

HUFF POST: …  24/7 Wall Street reported on which stocks it thinks could be vulnerable from a Soros Fund liquidation. But the story was undermined by this acknowledgement: “We do want to note that the returned capital is actually small in comparison to the total Soros holdings.”

How small? Less than 4% of the fund — a fund of which 75% is currently invested in cash. There’s no need for Soros to liquidate any positions, let alone crash the thinly traded stocks mentioned in that story. ..    (more)

EDITOR:   If we believe that Soros is putting his money where his mouth is, holding 75% of twenty-billion dollars in cash is an expression of concern over the future of the nation’s and world’s economy.  It isn’t hard to understanding his reasoning:  The Tea Party efforts are aborting any recovery and plunging us into a double dip recession, perhaps even depression.  Is this just the view of the Watchdog?  Hell no.  It is what most economists and more subtlety President Obama  have been warning about for two years.


1 Comment

  1. It is easy to find a scapegoat. What is the tea party doing to stop the recovery? They are trying save the future! Something obviously this editor cares nothing about. Soros himself blames the united states for spending more than they earn. Eventually, the US will not be able to pay even the interest on the debt. If you don’t think that can happen ask the Greeks! Then what will this editor tell my children – O, sorry we spent your future – go bankrupt! Keynes Said it best when talking about the New Deal., ” In the long run we are all dead”. Well, the Long run is here! Thanks Democrats!

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