The quandary of the Republican Party

NewsMax reports in an article “ Giuliani Tells Romney to Man Up on ‘Mistakes’”: 

“Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani says Mitt Romney should admit that he made “a terrible mistake” with his Massachusetts health care plan that requires everyone to carry insurance, the Union Leader of New Hampshire reports.

“By signing the  ‘Romneycare’ health insurance bill into law in Massachusetts five years ago Romney created a model for ‘Obamacare,’ says Giuliani.”

If George Romney were ceded the Republican nomination for President, he would have a decent chance of winning due to his more liberal Republican views.   He could take credit for having introduced a Massachusetts health care system of promise, observing there was yet room for improvement and it may not be the perfect model for all states or even the nation.

But to curry the support of the ultra conservative members of the party who make up most of the voters in the primaries, Romney is expected to grovel and repent for one of his most important accomplishments.

Of course, if the right wing doesn’t get shoot him down, the special interests who benefit from our inefficient and economically ruinous health care system will.

It is perennial loser  Giulliani who should be “manning up” and supporting the one Republican with a chance of winning.
