The meaning behind “Michele Bachmann says ‘this is the last election'”

AOL: Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann shared with Christian Broadcasting Network viewers just how crucial she believes this election is…

She said if Hillary Clinton is elected, she’ll let people into the country who will change the demographics of states like Florida and Texas and make it impossible for Republicans to win there. Bachmann said, “If we can’t win Florida or Texas, it’s game over.”

“This is the last election when we even have a chance to vote for somebody who will stand up for godly moral principles,” Bachmann explained.

Are we to understand that Latino’s do not have “godly moral principles”?

And what about the Jews, who came before the Latinos?

And how about the Irish, Italian, Germans?

What about the African Americans?

Perhaps she wishes for us to back to the times of the Quakers and even the Puritans.

We doubt, however, that she would turn the clock back to when Native Americans were the only inhabitants.

What really is behind Bachmann’s and the preponderance  of Trump supporters’  fears is concern that the culture and actual complexion of the United State’ population are rapidly changing.   The day of White, male and ‘strait’ dominance is over. Birthright entitlements are disappearing.  They desire to keep what they deem valuable and they believe belongs to them.

That is point of view with some validity. So why don’t she and the Trump people just say it. Then we can have a legitimate national discussion and election campaign.
