The Iraq War and Stubborn Myths



I took America to war in Iraq. It was all me.

OK, I had some help from a duplicitous vice president, Dick Cheney.Then there was George W. Bush, a gullible president who could barely locate Iraq on a map and who wanted to avenge his father and enrich his friends in the oil business. And don’t forget the neoconservatives in the White House and the Pentagon who fed cherry-picked intelligence about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, or WMD, to reporters like me.

None of these assertions happens to be true, though all were published and continue to have believers. This is not how wars come about, and it is surely not how the war in Iraq occurred. Nor is it what I did as a reporter for the New York Times. These false narratives deserve, at last, to be retired… (more)

EDITOR: For what it is worth, this is the other side to the story.


1 Comment

  1. For what it’s not worth this is all rubbish.

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